Light Beige Marble
The most famous light beige marble are undoubtedly Botticino marble and Crema Marfil, two wonderfl varieties of light beige marble with indisputable aesthetic qualities.
On the beige marble theme, the most common shade is that of light beige marble. Suffice it to say that the term beige itself derives from the French and means the color of “natural wool”: a tone that is generally described as a very light brown very close to sand but with warmer tones such as yellow or as a combination between brown and light gray. In short, it is natural to hear of light beige marble tile and almost never of dark beige marble tile.
Beyond this premise, one can clearly find a different brightness and different levels of clarity among the available beige marbles. Among the types of light beige marble, the most famous are undoubtedly Botticino marble and Crema Marfil, two qualities of light beige marble with indisputable aesthetic qualities. Among the less famous (but no less beautiful) varieties of light beige marble we can include the Sahara beige marble, a light beige marble quarried in Turkey which owes its versatility precisely to its light and delicate tone.